Thursday, December 7, 2017

December 2017 updates

search for your Akita by registered name link

this year thru November these wonderful Akita's have earned 290 performance/companion titles/certificates compared to only 129 ch/gch/b,s,g,p given, here's the link

I have in all my databases combined, a total of 2,642 titles/certificates earned to date by these wonderful Akita's!

The following have been updated with November results/rankings, each one is a link to the details:

Barn hunt CARO Cynosport Rally Title earners
Cynosport Rally results
Trick dog TDI Cynosport Rally rankings
PSD CPE USDAA Title earners
USDAA results
C-wags Parkour
event statistics
1st Title Earners
AKC Farm Dog
new title earners DOCNA AKC Coursing Ability
UKC Obedience results AKC Tracking
UKC Nose work results AKC Obedience results
UKC Rally results AKC Obedience rankings
UKC Obedience title earners AKC Rally results
UKC Agility title earners AKC Rally rankings
UKC Rally-O title earners AKC Agility results
AKC Agility rankings

Friday, November 10, 2017

November 2017 updates

search for your Akita by registered name link

this year thru October these wonderful Akita's have earned 268 performance/companion titles/certificates compared to only 117 ch/gch/b,s,g,p given, here's the link

I have in all my databases combined, a total of 2,596 titles/certificates earned to date by these wonderful Akita's!

The following have been updated with October results/rankings, each one is a link to the details:

NACSW CARO Cynosport Rally results
Cynosport Rally Title earners
NADAC PSD Cynosport Rally rankings
Barn hunt Trick dog UKC Obedience results
UKC Nose work results
ACA DSA UKC Rally results
UKC Obedience title earners
C-wags TDI UKC Agility title earners
UKC Rally-O title earners
CPE Parkour
AKC Obedience results
DOCNA USDAA titles AKC Obedience rankings
USDAA results AKC Agility results
AKC Agility rankings
event statistics AKC Coursing Ability
new title earners AKC Farm Dog
AKC Tracking
ACA VA/VAX+ AKC Rally results
AKC Rally rankings
AKC end of year Agility Statistics:

Monday, October 9, 2017

October 2017 updates

search for your Akita by registered name link

this year thru September these wonderful Akita's have earned 226 performance/companion titles/certificates compared to only 110 ch/gch/b,s,g,p given, here's the link

I have in all my databases combined, a total of 2,558 titles/certificates earned to date by these wonderful Akita's!

The following have been updated with September results/rankings, each one is a link to the details:

NACSW Barn hunt Trick dog UKC Obedience results
UKC Nose work results
Cynosport  event  DSA UKC Rally results
Rally results statistics UKC Obedience title earners
TDI UKC Agility title earners
Cynosport ACA UKC Rally-O title earners
Rally Title Parkour
earners C-wags AKC Agility results
USDAA titles AKC Agility rankings
Cynosport  CPE USDAA results AKC Obedience results
Rally AKC Obedience rankings
rankings DOCNA AKC Rally results
AKC Rally rankings
NADAC CARO AKC Coursing Ability
new title earners AKC Farm Dog
event statistics AKC Tracking

Saturday, September 16, 2017

September 2017 updates

search for your Akita by registered name link

The following have been updated with August results/rankings, each one is a link to the details:

this year thru August these wonderful Akita's have earned 194 performance/companion titles/certificates compared to only 100 ch/gch/b,s,g,p given, here's the link

I have in all my databases combined a total of 2,502 titles/certificates earned to date by these wonderful Akita's!

Statistics all time                                    Title Earners                 #1's                All Stars

UKC Obedience                                     NACSW                        CWAGS
UKC Nosework
UKC Rally-O                                          Trick Dog                       AKC Fast CAT results
                                                                                                     AKC Rally results        
Cynosport Rally results                          Barn Hunt                      AKC Rally rankings
Cynosport Rally title earners                                                        AKC Rally title earners
                                                               Dog Scouts                   AKC Farm Dog
ACA VA/VAX+                                                                              AKC Obedience rankings
                                                               CARO                            AKC Obedience results
Performance Scent Dogs                                                             AKC CGC/A/U title earners
                                                               Parkour                         AKC Trick Dog title earners
Therapy Dog International                                                           AKC Tracking

1st Title eaners

Thursday, August 17, 2017

August 2017 updates

search for your Akita by registered name link

The following have been updated with July's results/rankings, each one is a link to the details:

this year thru July these wonderful Akita's have earned 162 perf/comp titles compared to only 92 ch/gch/b,s,g,p given, here's the link

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

July 2017 updates

  • updated the #1's page, here's the link
  • updated AKC titles earned in June, here's the link
  • updated Event Statistics all time with June details, here's the link
  • updated AKC ACT title earners for June, here's the link
  • updated AKC Farm dog title earners for June, here's the link
  • updated AKC Therapy titles earners for June, here's the link
  • updated AKC Trick Dog titles earners for June, here's the link
  • updated AKC Obedience Results for June, here's the link
  • updated AKC Obedience Rankings for June, here's the link
  • updated AKC Fast CAT results for June, here's the link
  • updated AKC Coursing Ability results for June, here's the link
  • updated UKC Nosework thru May 21st, here's the link
  • updated World Cynosport Rally titles earners thru June, here's the link
  • updated Barn hunt title earners for June, here's the link
  • updated Trick Dog title earners for June, here's the link
  • updated AKC Rally results for June, here's the link
  • updated AKC Rally rankings for June, here's the link
  • updated 2017 All Stars, here's the link
  • added a new spreadsheet to the website that index's every Akita that I have in my database. this will be the place to search all Akita's that have earned titles, and with one click be taken right to that Akita's title details! here's the link

Sunday, June 18, 2017

June 2017 updates

  • added AKC's new Farm Dog Certified to the website, here's the link
  • updated AKC title earners for May, here's the link
  • updated AKC Therapy Dog titles earned for May, here's the link
  • updated AKC Title Earners for May, here's the link
  • the event statistics page is updated, here's the link
  • updated AKC Coursing Ability results for May, here's the link
  • updated AKC Fast CAT results for May, here's the link
  • updated AKC Obedience results for May, here's the link
  • updated AKC Obedience Rankings results for May, here's the link
  • updated AKC Rally results for May, here's the link
  • updated AKC Rally Rankings for May, here's the link
  • updated Barn Hunt titles thru today, here's the link
  • updated NACSW noswork titles thru today, here's the link
  • updated AKC Agility Rankings for May, here's the link
  • created a new user input spreadsheet for ACA VA/VAX+ certificate earner details from 1997 thru today. now everyone can add their own Akita's information when they earn the different certificates. here's the link
  • added Performance Scent Dogs title earners to the website, here's the link
  • working on AKC Agility Results for May, here's the link
  • updated UKC Nosework thru today, here's the link

Friday, May 19, 2017

May 2017 updates

  • added USDAA agility titles earned to the website, here's the link
  • added CPE agility titles earned to the website, here's the link
  • updated Cynosport Rally results for May, here's the link
  • updated Cynosport Rally rankings for May, here's the link
  • updated AKC Agility results for April, here's the link
  • updated AKC Agility rankings for April, here's the link
  • updated AKC Fast Cat results for April, here's the link
  • updated AKC Coursing ability results for April, here's the link
  • updated Barn hunt results for April, here's the link
  • updated NACSW Nosework titles for April & May, here's the link
  • updated AKC title earners report thru April, here's the link
  • updated Title statistics all time, here's the link 
  • updated AKC Obedience results for April, here's the link
  • updated AKC Obedience rankings for April, here's the link
  • updated AKC Rally results for April, here's the link 
  • updated AKC Rally rankings for April, here's the link

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 2017 updates

  • updated UKC results thru 4/9/17 for Agility, Nosework, Dock jumping, Obedience, Rally and Weight pull, alas no Akita's are competing
  • updated AKC titles earned for March, here's the link
  • updated Titles Earned statistics all time, here's the link
  • updated AKC Agility Results, here's the link
  • updated AKC Agility Rankings, here's the link 
  • updated Fast Cat results for March, here's the link
  • updated Coursing results for March, here's the link
  • updated AKC Obedience results for March, here's the link
  • AKC Obedience Rankings is complete for March, here's the link
  • AKC Rally Results are complete for March, here's the link
  • AKC Rally Rankings are complete for March, here's the link
  • Barn hunt titles are updated for March, here's the link
  • NACSW title earners updated thru today, here's the link

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

March 2017 updates

  • updated AKC title earners for Feb, here's the link
  • Barn hunt titles have been updated, here's the link
  • Trick Dog titles have been updated, here's the link
  • updated all title earners for Feb, here's the link
  • updated Cynosport Rally titles earned for Feb, here's the link
  • updated the title statistics - all time, here's the link
  • updated NACSW titles through today, here's the link
  • updated Cynosport Rally with results for Feb, here's the link 
  • updated Barn Hunt titles for Feb, here's the link 
  • updated Trick Dog titles for Feb, here's the link
  • updated Dog Parkour titles for Feb, here's the link
  • updated Coursing Ability for Feb, here's the link
  • updated Fast Cat for Feb, here's the link
  • updated AKC Obedience Results for Feb, here's the link
  • updated AKC Obedience Rankings for Feb, here's the link

Thursday, February 16, 2017

February 2017 updates

  • added C-WAGS titles earned from 2009 through 2017, click here
  • updated the "how it's done" page, click here
  • updated Statistics (all time) to include January details, click here
  • updated AKC Obedience Title Earners, click here
  • updated AKC Rally Titles Earners, click here
  • updated AKC Coursing Ability Title Earners, click here
  • update AKC CGC/A/U Title Earners, click here
  • updated AKC Coursing Ability Results for January, click here
  • updated NACSW Nosework Titles for January, click here
  • updated Barn hunt titles earned for January, click here
  • updated AKC Obedience Results for January, click here
  • updated AKC Obedience Rankings for January, click here
  • updated AKC Rally Results for January, click here
  • updated AKC Rally Rankings for January, click here

Saturday, January 14, 2017

January 2017 updates


the final 2016 title numbers are in....
226 Performance/Companion titles earned in:
Agility, Obedience, Rally, Coursing, CGC/A/U,
Therapy, CAT, Nosework, Barn hunt, CARO, 
Trick dog, PSD, AMDC and TDI... simply amazing!
171 AKC championships given for:
CH = 106 GCH = 46 BCH = 10
SCH = 4 PCH = 1
the Performance/Companion numbers could possibly increase due to a couple venues haven't completed their year ends yet. but everything for AKC is complete! here's the link to the details

  • updated AKC Agility results for December, click here for link 
  • updated AKC Agility Rankings for December, click here for link 
  • updated AKC Obedience results for December, click here for link 
  • updated AKC Rally results for December, click here for link 
  • updated AKC Obedience Rankings results for December, click here for link 
  • updated AKC Rally Rankings results for December, click here for link 
  • updated NACSW titles earned thru January 2017, click here for link
  • updated Cynosport Rally results and Rankings thru December, click here for link