8/31/16 entered the UKC Rally Obedience results for July 2016, and updated the UKC Rankings
8/24/16 added an event statistics tab for everything from 1968 through 2015
8/20/16 created a #1 Akita's brag page for our unrecognized Champion's Champion!
8/17/16 updated AKC Coursing Ability Test for July 2016, and updated the Title Earners page with all titles from AKC for July
8/16/16 update AKC Obedience Results and Rankings for July 2016
8/16/16 updated AKC Rally Results and Rankings for July 2016
8/15/16 updated UKC all disciplines through the end of June 2016, only 1 Akita competing in Nosework, nothing else. Also checked NACSW and no new Akita titles for July.
8/14/16 posted a couple brags on the Brags page, updated the "All Stars" for 2016, checked Cynosport Rally for July, no one competing.